Monday, December 28, 2009

Spices Could Help Fight Breast Cancer

According to new research published in the November online edition of Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, popular spices, such as, pepper and turmeric, contain compounds which could help in treating breast cancer by limiting the growth of stem cells.

Turmeric and pepper have been widely explored as potential cancer treatments, however, this is the first study that suggests the two spices could also prevent cancer by targeting stem cells. Currently cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, are unable to eliminate cancer stem cells.

Researchers from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Centre studied curcumin (found in turmeric, an Indian spice) and piperine (a black peppercorn derivative) when administered to cell cultures reduced the number of stem cells without affecting normal cells. Both spices were used in a very high concentration - about 20-times the potency of that which would be consumed in a normal diet. More research on the role of these compounds in breast cancer treatment is needed before adding extra curcumin or piperine to our diets.

Curcumin has other well known health benefits in traditional Asian medicine for treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and arthritis. Piperine has anti-inflammatory properties and is used to improve digestion, weight loss and improves absorption of nutrients from the diet.

Reference: PubMed

Targeting breast stem cells with the cancer preventive compounds curcumin and piperine.
Kakarala M, Brenner DE, Korkaya H, Cheng C, Tazi K, Ginestier C, Liu S, Dontu G, Wicha MS.
Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine and Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Michigan, 2150 Cancer Center, 1500 E. Medical Center Dr., Ann Arbor, MI, USA,

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